Traditions of the World

Have you seen how awesome our Traditions are?
People all over the world have so many different traditions and cultures. We are all different, and that makes us rich. When we learn about each others’ traditions; we can understand them better. This is the shortest way to have friends that appreciate and respect us as much as we do.

Let us introduce the personality behind this awesome project ‘Traditions of the world’ Ms. Monica Paul, an irreverent Marketing Consultant and 23 years entrepreneur; a published fiction author, experienced copywriter and the ghostwriter of hundreds of business articles signed by C-Level executives in the IT industry, and a web developer.

The Magical Mastermind

She is the founder of Magic Masterminds; an e-publishing company in 2014 encouraging the eBook as a sustainable product, and using the latest technology at the service of literature and literacy to provide education and entertainment.

Monica, a dreamer with a wild imagination; magic, fantasy, and Sci-fi are her passion. She is also a pragmatic planner and leader. Have put these skills together to create the project Traditions of the World. Her purpose with it to share education and entertainment especially to the children; to change bullying and aggression to acceptance and understanding.

Michelle Obama wisely said, “I realize that kids know at a very young age when they’re being devalued when adults aren’t invested enough to help them learn. Their anger over it can manifest itself as unruliness. It’s hardly their fault. They aren’t “bad kids.” They’re just trying to survive bad circumstances.” Excerpt From: Michelle Obama. “Becoming.”

Monica totally agree and firmly believe that there isn’t such thing as “bad children.” Adults tag them and deny them the opportunity to show their skills and their natural kindness and curiosity. They are merely defending themselves the way they can.

Some of my happiest memories come from the Traditions. Learning about others is the seed to kindness, tolerance, appreciation, and friendship. Our differences make us rich.
– Monica Paul

As Knowledge leads to acceptance, and acceptance leads to respect and kindness. By learning from each other, their cultures and their beliefs parents and teacher can transform those children holding so much pain in their hearts. Let’s give a big applause to Monica’s contribution to a better, sustainable, and harmonious world.

We urge our members / site visitors to start sharing their local stories and traditions along with relevant pictures highlighting the rich traditional values, wisdom, cultural relevance with us so that we publish it for benefit of global citizens. Let’s make the world bit more healthier, harmonious and happier world.
~ Chief Catalyst,

PS: Do visit the website and meet the magical host “MARTIN’ helping us to participate actively in uniting the world through sharing cultural and traditional values.

Know more about Ms. MONICA PAUL

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