As ART is an EXPRESSION similarly Self-Expression also is an art. The Expresser and its Expression can use any form, format, fixtures. The purpose is to share the thoughts, feelings and the actions.
In Eastern philosophy and true spiritualism, the Creator is simply an originator, an ideator. The creation (ALL THAT IS) is manifestation of the supreme energy taking various forms and reflected through various entities. That’s the symbolic meaning behind SHIVA and SHAKTI.
Women as co-creator of everything, transforms the energy and give it a meaning, a purpose and a direction. This leading to the true manifestation of desired entities.
Let’s nurture the roots of all creation. Let’s nurture the nari shakti in every aspect and co-create a healthier, happier, holistic eco-system.
We solicit your active participation by sharing your original express. That can be original work of art, poems or stories, posts. It also can be the process steps to empower women and communities as a whole.